Alaska’s Population Over the Next Decade
Demographics may not quite be destiny, but there’s no doubt that demographic trends create opportunities and challenges for business, communities, and governments. The 65 million children born in the United States during the 1944-1961 “Baby Boom” spurred investments in housing, education, and services that reverberated through the economy for decades. The current and impending retirement […]
Northern by Design
The design of the Anchorage Museum’s new wing connects its collection to the environment it references Museum architecture, when it is successful, influences the presentation and reception of art, quietly influencing the way we appreciate and interpret a painting, a sketch or a contemporary installation. It is best when it embodies its purpose: to allow the […]
Demystifying Innovation
Back in June Michael Catsi, Director of Business Development and Communications for AIDEA, asked me if I would help plan the Innovation Track for the upcoming Accelerate: Alaska event taking place at the Loussac Library on August 29th and 30th. Helping plan the event rapidly turned into “would you be willing to give one of […]
A $500 Billion Tax
Did the title grab your attention? As I write this article the sun is shining, there’s not a cloud in the sky, it’s the ides of April, and the 90th day of Alaska’s statutory legislative session. It’s enough to make a formerly-young-man’s thoughts turn to taxes. However, I’m not thinking about federal taxes (more on […]
A “Regional” Main Dish with a Pair of Economic Sides
The Main Dish… Everybody knows that we are a huge state; if Alaska were a country we’d be the 18th largest country in the world by land mass sitting right between Iran and Mongolia. If you prefer more familiar examples, we’re about the same size as France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, the low countries, and […]