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Should I Freeze My Child’s Credit?

I have to admit I had not really thought much about my kids’ credit. I always thought that was something we would teach them more about as they became teenagers and started looking to get their first credit card. However, I learned something recently that has me thinking more about it and planning to take […]

Technology, Your Budgeting Assistant

Last week the private wealth management team hosted our first brown bag lunch workshop titled “Judgement-Free Budgeting”. We gave each person or couple 90-day access to our professional budgeting software and introduced them to the features of the program. The primary objective of this workshop was to help each attendee utilize technology to create their […]

Fraud, protecting people you love

A client called recently with excitement to alert us to his $1,000,000+ gaming winnings he was expecting to receive and the need to pull cash from his retirement assets to cover the fees he had to pay to collect.  He had no Power of Attorney on file, but we did have a family member’s name […]

The Private College 529 Plan

College students like me are painfully aware of tuition prices. What’s more, the cost of attending college is constantly rising. Even still, many families want to help their children pay for college. To accomplish this, many people use tax advantaged college savings vehicles called 529s. Recently, alternatives to the traditional state-sponsored 529 plans have emerged. […]

Alaska’s Economy at Midyear: What do the Data Say?

Sometimes the numbers lead you astray, especially when they up and change. With hundreds of analyses under my belt there have been times when portion of the data haven’t been correct; I would describe the moment you discover that your data isn’t what you thought it was as “dyspeptic”. Sometimes data discrepancies are in your […]

Welcome our newest team member – Jasmine Gilpin

What do you want to be when you grow up? Like many others, I was asked that question time and time again. The answer changed a lot. In childhood I wanted to be a vet, in high school I was going to be a marine biologist, for a time after high school I was going […]

Refining the Rise in Recent Oil Prices

There has been a plethora of headlines lately regarding the most recent appreciation in oil prices. While the recent pull back has left oil at around $65 per barrel, this commodity had 7.5% increase in the first quarter of 2018 and has more than doubled since the trough in 2016! We at APCM thought it […]

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