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Optimizing Employer Sponsored “After-Tax Contributions”

Not every employer sponsored 401(k) plan is created equal. Many larger employers plans allow “After-Tax Contributions”, inside their 401(k) plan. These “After-Tax Contributions” often are for contributions made by an employee above the employee contribution limit, but some plans allow you to contribute to them over time. Employees with plans allowing these types of contributions […]

Don’t Miss These Year-End Financial Planning Strategies

This week, we enter November. The summer activities are being packed up in the shed; the skis, snowboards, snowmachines, ice skates and snowshoes are coming out. With only two short months left until the new year, it is important to consider your year-end financial planning activities. Here is a short list of important planning reminders […]

The College Funding Question – “What if they don’t go to college?”

529 Account Flexibility and Advantages

529 plans often stir up a major question with parents, “What if my kid doesn’t want to go to college?”. It’s a valid question, but the hesitation it causes can lead to missing out on big tax savings. 529 plans have two major advantages: First, all earnings in the account are tax-deferred until withdrawn. Second, […]

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